
  • Harina de Castañas: Granel (Kg)

    Harina de castaña a granel precio por kilo envasados al vacío en saco de plástico transparente hasta sacos de 20 kgs Castañas refinadas. - Ingredients: Chestnuts (Castanea sativa). - Recommended.- Ideal for making bread and desserts. - Sin gluten.
  • Posada Natural: Grelos

    Grelos natural Galicia, carefully selected, after the first frost, to retain their full flavor. Cooked and ready to eat. Packed in glass bottle. Ideal for wines, Scrambled, creams and purees. Perfect pie filling and croquettes. It can be served as an accompaniment to all kinds of pasta, meat and fish. Net Weight: 360 g.
  • Castañas en Almíbar

    Chestnuts in syrup made without preservatives or artificial colors, I using premium quality raw material in sterilized glass bottle. Net Weight: 420 g. Net drained weight: 240 g. Special selection of whole chestnuts, peeled, cooked, bathed in light syrup with natural vanilla. - Ingredients: Chestnuts (Castanea sativa), sugar and natural vanilla. - Recommended.- Ideal as a dessert or as an accompaniment to all kinds of poultry and meat.