Bunch of collard greens galician 500g

Cabbage is the vegetable galician par excellence, the vegetable key in one of the typical dishes of the galician cuisine: the cooked, although today it is also used to make dishes such as minestrones, filled etc.

Presents a characteristic morphology: an erect habit with root axonomorfa, long stem, cylindrical, upright, lignificado and robust, with the base semileñosa and covered in scars foliar. Its leaves are entire, waxy with petiole and stalk length, and its flowers have white color, yellow or pale yellow,. These plants are bi-annual (sometimes you can stay in the field for up to three years) and pollination entomófila. The seeds are completely smooth and of a brown color.

Cabbages are a source of fibre, folic acid, protein, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin B6. Further, they possess a high content of sinigrin and glucoiberina, both with a prominent role in anti-cancer.

Directly from the garden to your table.

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Weight 1 kg

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