Cheese Brexo D. Or Arzúa – Ulloa. 500grs

Matured fatty very versatile, the natural and/or as an ingredient grastronómico.

CHARACTERISTICS: A lenticular form
Cortex: Transparent. Suitable for consumption once washed.
Pasta: Ivory white. Presents a number of discrete eyes.
Texture and Flavor: Unctuous and melted. Intense flavor, lactic and butter.

Cured for a minimum: 9 days
Covered by the Consello regulador of the D. O. P Arzúa Ulloa

Technical data sheet


SKU: QB2017533 Category:


Located in the south-eastern part of the province of A Coruña, in the town hall. of Sobrado dos Monxes, region of “Terras de Melide”.

The heirs of a cheese tradition that is lost in the mist of times. Our products have been highly appreciated throughout history by various cultures that settled in the region (Celtic tribes, Roman legions, Cistercian monks,...)

Today, we maintain the tradition and the art of good make, working with insurance methods of the TWENTY-first century, cheeses of quality and taste unique, as the earth sees the birth.

Land of Galicia old,... fertile, green and deep.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg





Cheeses Brexeo

Preferential consumption

Drained weight

Por unidad o Caja de 6

With a label stuck on one of the flat faces


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